100907  02:12(非中原標準時間)

最近一些有趣的消息中揭露了同時身為好萊塢的演員、導演、製片人的Jack Nicholson參加了在LA舉辦的SM TOWN!

SM Entertainment的工作人員表示:"Jack Nicholson透過AEG購買了10LA場的SM Town票劵。”AEG是美國大型活動承辦單位,也是今年SM Town的主辦單位。而且"廣為人知的是Jack Nicholson常常展現出他對韓流音樂的興趣,因為他曾說亞洲音樂會被他運用在他最近拍攝的影片中。另一個好萊塢名人現身這場演唱會的是Duane Adler,他也是BoA首次亮相的舞蹈影片的導演,而這部影片將在BoA結束他在韓國的活動之後開拍,而事實上有更多的美國名人在LA參加了SM Town演唱會。 

LaSM Town9/4(美國時間,韓國時間是9/5)舉辦在Staples Center,大約有40名左右的SMTown成員參加這次的表演,包括:安七炫、BoA、允浩、昌珉、Super JuniorSNSDSHINeef(x)TRAX金旼鐘、李妍熙以及Ara

SM Town全球巡迴演唱會從8/21由韓國首爾站出發,而接下來的將是9/11舉辦的上海場以及2011年一月舉辦的東京場。

真的要很榮幸像Jack Nicholson這樣傳奇寫高齡的人也喜歡韓流音樂,雖然看到可能因為他的孩子所以他也跟著出席演唱會,又雖然可能因為他的孩子也都才20出頭所以他也可能真的喜歡他們!

In some funny random news it was revealed that Hollywood actor/director/producer Jack Nicholson was one of the audience members at the SM TOWN concert in LA!

SM Entertainment staff said that, “Jack Nicholson purchased 10 tickets to the LA SM Town Concert, through AEG.” AEG is a large US-based event management who promoted this year’s SM Town concert.

Moreover, “It is known that Jack Nicholson has expressed his interest in K-Pop for some time. It was also announced that he requested Asian pop to be used in the film he is currently filming, Today and Tomorrow.”

Another Hollywood person who attended the show was Step Up director Duane Adler, the director for BoA‘s debut Hollywood dance film, set to start filming after BoA finishes her Korean activities. It was also reported that some people from the American music industry watched SM Town Live in LA.

SM Town Live in LA was held at the Staples Center on September 4th (in LA, September 5th in Korea). Around 40 SM Town members preformed at this event, such as KangTa, BoA, YunHo, ChangMin, Super Junior, SNSD, SHINee, f(x), TRAX, Kim MinJong, Lee YeonHee, and Ara.

The SM Town World Tour kicked off last August 21st in Seoul, Korea and will continue to Shanghai this September 11th, followed by a performance in Tokyo in January 2011.

Gotta admit its pretty awesome that someone as legendary and as old as Jack Nicholson like K-pop ALTHOUGH seeing how he has children they could MOST LIKELY be the reason for his attendance ALTHOUGH then again the children are now in their 20s+ so he probably does indeed like it!

:followBabessfinee, Rino’s plixi 1 2 3, sthanlee 1 2 +



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SM Town一整個在美國大發啊!




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